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I completed a BSc in Biological sciences at the University of Montreal, majoring in Microbiology and Immunology. In 2008, I completed a MSc in Bioinformatics at the University of Montreal, with the research component performed at the Infectious Disease Research Centre in Ste-Foy. My Master's thesis, co-supervised by Prof. Gertraud Burger, Prof. Mathieu Blanchette and Prof. Barbara Papadopoulou, is entitled Insights into the function of short interspersed degenerated retroposons in the protozoan parasite Leishmania


I then completed my PhD in Genomics and Computational Biology at the Institute of Molecular Bioscience under the supervision of Prof. John Mattick in 2012. Coincidentally, I became the 10,00th PhD graduate from the University of Queensland. My thesis focused on using evolutionary comparative genomics to identify new regions in the human genome that may function through long noncoding RNAs.


My postdoctoral training was performed as a Research Officer in the neuroscience division at the Garvan Institute for Medical Research, where I developed bioinformatics and machine learning tools centred on the analysis of high-throughput sequencing data.


Since 2014, I have been interested in genomic applications and algorithms using real-time nanopore sequencing. Notably, I helped generate the world's first megabase-busting DNA sequencing read. 


In 2017, I joined the Kinghorn Center for Clinical Genomics as Group Leader of the genomic technologies program. There, I established the world's 2nd commercial nanopore sequencing service and investigated clinical applications for this technology. I supervised students and trainees via a conjoint affiliation with St-Vincent's Clinical School of UNSW Sydney. 


In September 2019, I moved back to Montreal to join the Sainte-Justine University Hospital Research Centre and the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine at the University of Montreal. I hope to inspire my colleagues with a passion for genomics research and bioinformatics. 


In my spare time, I enjoy hanging with my kids, playing hockey, camping, brewing and beer 'tasting'. 

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